Ministry. Missions.
& A Heart for People

Roland Pletts - Artist, Author, Explorer, Missionary and Teacher


Experience the warmth and wilds of Africa through Roland’s paintings


Be inspired and transformed by Roland’s teachings


Increase your understanding and expand your knowledge through Roland’s books

Get to Know Roland Pletts

Roland is an inspirational and experienced creative who has dedicated his life to pursuing God and shepherding His flock whilst living in Zimbabwe. Explore his books for a glimpse into his unique perspective on creativity and life, view his stunning paintings that capture the soul of nature, and discover his in-depth teachings that will expand your knowledge and understanding of what is to come.

About 4000 years ago a man of faith left his home and country on a journey to find a new land and a city built by God – that man was Abraham.

The Most High God made a covenant with him that all the world would be blessed through him. 2000 years ago one of his descendants was born, grew up, and died to confirm that covenant. On the third day, he rose in Glory.

He ascended to heaven but promised to return to fulfil all the promises of that Covenant.

This book explains how he will complete what he began.

What Do His Fans Say?

Read testimonials from satisfied clients.

I have been a fan of Roland books for years. Thank you, Roland!

I had the privilege of working with Roland Pletts whilst in Zimbabwe and was blown away by his dedication to his flock.

I am a huge fan of Roland Pletts’ paintings. His work is truly exceptional and I can’t wait to add more to my collection.


For more information about Roland Pletts’ books and paintings
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